I met Nisha when she came to me to design the website for WHC — she was a lovely person to work for and I was drawn in by her mission but in the back of my mind thought, "There's just no way this can be real." Almost a year as her patient and I'm here to tell you, she talks the talk AND walks the walk.

I had a hysterectomy as a young adult and was having some recurring pain, she was the first person to sit down prepared with my health history, listen and then form a plan of attack. Every step of the way Nisha and the entire team at WHC made me feel affirmed and cared for. As most of us have learned the hard way, this is not the typical experience in the medical world today.

I have been able to continue to work with Nisha as needed, but I also see Erin for her expertise in anti-depressants that limit sexual side effects and Lily for pelvic floor PT. I also see (and LOVE) Hannah at Grand Rapids Specialty Therapy and Kate at Little Dipper (both inside WHC.) All to say, as a woman with high standards, I feel qualified stating this is the most affirming, progressive and supportive space for all people identifying as women. Ending this here before I get all teary — WHC is just that great.

Akansha Das