Fitness often feels like a chore we need to fit in. But it doesn’t have to…


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The benefits of movement consist of far more than the body image changes we’re often told about.

Moving our bodies in a healthy way can increase endorphin levels and improve cardiovascular health among other things. But it can be hard to find time and motivation to do this in an often busy schedule, and hard to find the right movement that works best for your body. That’s why we have arranged for both individual and group classes with Valarie to give you the spark, motivation, and support you need to get started. Classes are offered with a drop in option or 6 class passes. Drop in classes are $25. Check out our packages for special pricing! Start any time! Call (616) 600.4950 if you have questions.

Please note: CDC COVID-19 guidelines will be closely monitored and followed. Proof of vaccination will be required. We will continue to update policies as allowed for Health care facilities per CDC recommendations.

*Yoga mats available for rent for $2.50

*Individual Training with Val also offered. Call 616.600.4950 for details!

Certified Personal Trainer,

Valarie James!

Valarie James is a licensed Master’s Social Worker, Certified Personal Trainer, and 200 hour Registered Yoga Teacher in the Grand Rapids area. She has a passion for bridging the gap between mental health and fitness. Her experience includes teaching for GVSU, the Grand Rapids Kroc Center, and Mary Free Bed YMCA. She is the owner of VSJ Fitness where she offers personal training and creative movement opportunities online and within the community. It is her mission to help “inspire the everyday person” to reach their overall wellness goals through support, motivation, and empowerment.

“I understand how difficult it can be to care for yourself while juggling multiple demands… such as parenthood, relationships, caring for loved ones, working more than one job, limited income, etc. I am here to help you overcome those challenges.”